Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Well, here we are in another year.

We've had a fun family time, which I knew to make the most of for young Gracie.

We had Christmas which was fun and she got her enormous Playmobil dolls house. I know how important it is to have epic toys and this is one. I loved my toys when I was a kid and I want Grace to have great fun with her toys. I have already overheard many domestic re-enactments going on in the minuter world.

Then on Monday we went to Grandma Noi's farm and had a fun day walking to the neighbours house through the rubber trees and across the small river at the back of the plot. Grace can play with her two cousins, Ot and Axe. She has a great time.

Then yesterday I suggested we head to the beach. It was a good idea as there was some entertainment going on. She had a cracking time making sandcastles and rolling about in the sea, before gazing in awe at the fireworks. Unfortuantely for me, I had the misfortune of being violently sick in the middle of the night. I had probably overdone it on the fine food and beer. I thought I was going to die but felt much better immediately after.

Back at home and school tomorrow. I have marked the students exams and am idly making a lesson for the morrow.

Mum will arrive soon and in a couple of months we will break for the Summer. Hopefully all good things to look forward to on the horizon.

Friday, December 27, 2013


Saturday morning and we are now all on holiday. Grace is so active now it often becomes way too much for my delicate misdemeanour. It's hard to remain calm at times with the constant tsunami of questions and demands. However, she is a very happy kid and very alert, which is a good thing. We try to take it in turns amusing her, while the other gets some much needed downtime, and we run a pretty fair ship.

Oi had some friends over last night for a dinner. I retired early and got some well needed rest, fading out to Melvin Bragg discussing the divine rite of kings.

This Thief mod is really amazing. Though I know most people have no interest in video games at all, this one is a master that is surprisingly seductive even fdor the most skeptic person. Dark medievil streets, hiding in shadows. Creeping through an open window, picking locks and looting golden treasures. And of course there is the hilarious coughs, moans and comments from the guards, priests, maids and nobles that inhabit the game. There appears to be a lot of user written missions on a new engine which is superior to the official Thief game. There are new options and control features too, but the core remains very true to the original. It's a game that has you quitting in frustration when the guards spots you and slices you up, only to log in again a few minutes later to try again.

Looking at a few days break now and will do my darnest to enjoy it to the full. I got a Mean Green soaking in water which will put me in good stead. You feel like you've been injected with a powerful stimulant when you drink one of those things. It's so stinking strong your whole body is reacting to it.

I had been indulging in sausages and bacon of late and drinking a faie spot of wine, and the 'roids came back. I did my best to fight back by drinking lots of water, vitamin C, sitting in warm water and even sticking a warm teabag on it (thanks, Pete. Tea from Ceylone). I also stuffed down a banana I found at work and ate some vegetables at Oi's dinner party. This morning I feel no pain and have yet to quaff the Meanest Green.

My body is actually holding together quite well, considering I am not exercising. I have been keeping the yoga going and my diet is normally pretty healthy. The ten or so stretching exercises I found on the Net for lower back pain, all help to relieve pain. It's great that something like yoga can make such a difference.

So, some free time ahead. I hope Grace won't be demanding trips to Play World too much


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Holiday Mode

Today, being Friday, I should be attending a school sports day, however I am being naughty and not going. In fact the only person who is going is Karen, who was cornered by the evil Rojo as she went to sign in yesterday. It's laughable how we are treated, but becoming more apparent the inability of Rojo to control her staff.

So today I can relax on my own until five, when I must go and do a private class for an hour.

I have been playing some interesting games. I bought Thief 1: The Dark Project which I have never actually played. Thief 2: The Metal Age is one of my most favourite games of all time. I discovered this morning The Dark Mod, which is a community based Thief world using a better engine and user developed missions. Looks like a lot of fun. And it's free to download, Peter.

Also been playing the excellent Panzer Corps on the ipad.

Grace got her playmobil dollhouse on Christmas Day. Boxing day she stayed home with me so she could play with her toys. I took her to a restaurant in the town where she has fried rice and I have spaghetti carbonara.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Favourite Tank - Hellcat

This tank is great fun, very fast and a powerful gun. It's tier 6, so quite up there really.

In Chumpon, Jon, Lesley and Colin are all nightly players. We make platoons together to join forces and wipe out the opposing team. Though, it must be said, Les is the best team player. When he and I team up we invariably form a pincer and squeeze enemy tanks. One time we took out more than half the other team between us.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Time Out for Fun

Two days into my break and at home with Gracie again while Oi is at a camp.

I've got straight back into cooking, rediscovering how eating scrummy food puts all the delight into being alive.

Yesterday morning Gracie and I zoomed over to Makro and had a whirlwind around the store. There is plenty of Christamas goodies there so Grace was in awe and very excited. I stocked up on veggies and my new find, Cumberland sausages (very tasty) and I a pack of bacon. All had been recommended and explained to me by the local teachers here. Bloody Hell, is it good!

I've been eating bacon sarnies, bacon and eggs with fried bread and sausages with saute potatoes so far. A positive gorge fest. I acquired a few bottles of South African cider the other day which goes down a treat. Thinking about it, I might repeat that tonight actually. Last night I was back on Leo which brought me straight back to poor Thai beer. Something they should be ashamed of if they knew any different.

Added to this, one of my all time favourite games became available on the ipad last night, Panzer Corps. A table top WW2 strategy game which is generally regarded among the high brow veterans of such things as the best and quinessential game of its era. It dates back a few years, but plays like a fine wine. Authentic german voices congratulate you on your success and scorn you when you fail. It's an epic game. This format means I can play in bed with headphones late at night.

BTW, this game can be played over the Net (multiplayer) and its turn based. Perfect for friends and family to get together with. Hint Hint. ANd you might want to start soon as we are getting rather old.

These things should keep me occupied for the interim and beyond

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Looms

Christmas is coming and I'm off school until the new year, though they very kindly arranged for me to have to go and supervise exams on Christmas day. I'm going to take Grace with me to stir things up a bit.

In a bit of a tight spot right now with diminishing cash reserves and trying to sell the house in UK. Hopefully it will all come through all right. We should be able to buy a house outright here, if all goes according to plan. We've seen a nice one nearby and we quite like the one we are in now too. Choices, choices.

Pirate Bay has given me 9 Chuck Prophet albums since I lost everything when my hard drive blew up and I have acquired a few other discographies.

I've been trying to see the boys quite often, namely Jon, Les and Colin. All are English, broke and funny.

At home with Grace again as her school closes as often as mine. Oi has to go and do a camp for the next three days.

Pleasure comes in the form of morning coffee, In Our Time archive, World of Tanks and looking at the countryside and talking to Gracie, of course.

On the global scene...well.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Beer for Wine

A Friday evening and feeling very restless. A desperate urge to get out of the house and mix with men. I don't know why, or maybe I do, if I could be bothered to think about it.

Unfortunately, my few sources of entertainment are already engaged, or doing stuff I don't care to do. Also, living out of town I have to be very careful about remaining rather sober for the grim ride home.

I've been drinking wine of late. Lesley put me onto the 5 litre boxes of Mont Clare. It's agreeable for sure, but I have found I'm not really laughing with it, like I do with beer. So tonight, after feeling a bit glum, I popped out and picked up some crap beer, and yes, after merely a sip, I feel a lighter, funner buzz that can brighten my mood. It must the the chemicals in it I was missing.

Oi and I are both having nightmare times at our respective school. Idiots abound and destroy any hope of progression or goodness. Some of these fuckwits would astound you. It's amazing they remember to breath. Neither of us now if we will last. I haven't really thought about Hat Yai too much, but boy the folks there were fairly smart upstairs. Oi's school is riddled with gossip and slack, superior teachers deciding if they are going to teach that day or not, while at my school, they communicate with the native English teachers by sticking notes on our door stating that we are required to work on Sunday to make up for the day they took off to protest. I won't be going, nor will my colleagues.

Grace is full on, and it's hard to remain calm at all times with her constant demands.

I am hoping relief will come soon, in magical form.

Solace is found in ipad game Sorcery, a book-game adventure, wandering through a desolate land with birds chirping and wind blowing through super headphones. I was loving it as my crippled body lay on the mattress - almost transported to strange lands.

Movies and TV I find almost impossible to watch. I just can't engage, even though I would love too.

My back pains are still lingering and sitting down, or to be more accurate getting up, proves horribly sore. I am almost at the stage where I just have to keep standing up at all times.

Hmmm.....I need to hone my alignments to achieve harmony once more.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Revolutionary Days

So, at home on Friday as the mob invade the government buildings.

For me, it meant, a day with Grace. Her school is flooded, meaning OI must go to clean up and Grace stays home with me.

Early on, she's getting bored so we went to the town park and fed the fish. For the briefest time I didn't have enough money to buy some bread to feed the fish, but then the pay cheque was in the bank as we made our way into town and I am flush again for a few days. Feeding the fish was fun, though the park is very soggy and waterlogged. Cloudy skies reminded me of an estate outside Leeds or somewhere, teenage kids pissing about and old men sitting on benches.

Then we were of to Tesco. Christams has arrived and we both got caught up in the fever and bought a few trinkets for the big day. I acquired my main objective of a 5 litre box of red wine, coffee and cereal.

Grace insisted on KFC against my better judgement. Every time is turns into a thoroughly depressing experience; mangey old, dark red meat, a tiny, likewarn packet of stale fries and a splash of concentrated Coke mix.

Then a family of enormous, miserable looking people came and sat opposite with huge plates of chicken. I had to leave asap. For a moment I thought I was in Commercial road. I need some free time to get down to flooded Makro and acquire a bag of veg to juice and guzzle.

At home now,  with a bundle of cool tunes and wine and battling off a very demanding Grace who cannot stop for even a second.

Oh Boy!

Crazy Days

Mad times here in Thailand.

Mass protests and demonstrations, the country is polarized. Been sent home from school twice now as students are rallied and sent off to protest outside the government offices in the town.

Life is busy and quite stressful. I take solice in cheap beer and nights playing World of Tanks with Lesley, my new friend. He's a treasure, and I have noticed how he won't enter into conflict or dirty talk with other people, though he does take out any arse in WOTs who fires off a random shot at him.

Grace is racing, talking non-stop and play, play, play. It's great fun but very tiring. Oi and I are both feeling the strain, and we are both working pretty hard for meagre wages.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Rise of Nationalism

Scary times in the world right now.

A chap at work was commenting on the rise of nationalism and stating how the same thing happened back in the 30s in the global economic downturn. I quizzed him on the prospect of future wars, but he didn't think that would happen. There would be a different kind of reaction which he could not determine. But I thought his prognosis seemed true.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hard Times for Thailand

Right now tons of shit is going down in Thailand. Well, two big fat turds anyway.

One is the amnesty bill that the government, headed by Thaksin's sister put in place to get Thaksin back into the country. This has meet massive opposition and the streets of Bangkok are heaving with protesters. They have abandoned the bill and things are still on tenderhooks as to what happens next. The students at my school have called a strike for 3 days to join in the protest, which means I am on holiday!

Second, is the International court ruling on a border dispute with Cambodia circulating around an ancient temple that just got World Heritage status, whatever the fuck that means, which of course meant millions of dollars from dumb tourists, so a fight broke out. On Monday the court came down on the side of Cambodia leaving Thailand fuming at lost dollars. Oh well.

As well as this Thailand has also waking up to reality of bailing out rice farmers in giant subsidies and a growing crisis of personal debt, which has been snapped up by the populus.

Yes, its all coming to a head.

For me, life has been about working and resting and playing with Grace. Not much else. I sneak some ciders in with Les from school, but will have to kerb that, a recent hike on tax on booze makes imported beer unreachable. It will have to be a couple of Leos.

I went out on my bike last night, first time since I got bitten by a dog. I will just keep to main roads now and run the risk of being hit by a car instead. It felt great to get some exercise, and it is a lovely bicycle.

Gaming gets most attention as it is cheap. Still battling ahead on World of Tanks, and a couple of new games, XCOM and King Arthur's Gold which are indie and a hoot.

In Our Time dominates my nighttime, and musicwise I have been picking up Paul Simon albums.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Glimpse of the Devil

Last night, and for the second, consecutive Friday, I went round to see Les. Les is wonderfully chilled, friendly and humourous as Northern English tend to be. He recommended listening to Pink Floyd's The Division Bell in bed on headphones, which I duly did, an experience well worth carrying out and, indeed, repeated. Les has also been offering me bottles of South African cider, which are quite intoxicating and so very sweet. I love cider.

Anyway, last night I rode over to Les's. I had had a bottle of Leo already and some coffee. I guess I must have been aggitated by something, and very possibly still am, as I found myself talking in a negative fashion and teasing Les in a cruel manner. I instantly recognized the characteristic in myself and immediately dispelled it. I was quite shocked that this devil inside of me had made a reappearance after so many years absence.

I phoned him today, and apologized. He said he didn't see anything and was his usual humourous self.

I saw it though, and I knew what it was.

Other than that I gave Les a few pointers in the shape of Nick Drake, Alan Watts and Robert Altman.

Grace is buzzing right now. It's difficult to keep up with her sometimes.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Through the Week

Wednesday and a much needed beer stop from working life.

It's quite tough at school. Not really, but for teaching it is. There's quite an art to getting in the frame of mind where nothing fazes you. Most students are very pleasant, but the wild bands of boys who roam free, due to non confrontational Thai culture, allow them to reach havoc wherever they choice.

Thailand seems to be really in the thick of it right now. The ruling classes lock themselves away in mind blowing palaces with infinite riches while the rest them fight over bananas etc. Every week buses packed full of peasants die dreadfully in bus crashes. There is never any suggestion of improvement. They just allow the poor to wipe themselves out, as there are plenty more where they came from.

This dreadful need to assert power over lesser beings trickles down the pecking order, where headmasters attempt to prevent foreign teachers from leaving the school during hours. Sometimes I really feel like I am in a BBC sit com, this crazy bunch of whiteys I share a room with as we discuss escape plans and how to deal with living in a country full of primal beings who react like primal beings to any action.

I read on Thai Visa forum today, how a Thai guy that used to sit in an outside bar every day, hence the farang knew and saw him every day, gets visited by some unknown heavies who empty 10-30 rounds into the guys head before leaving.

Horrendous crimes here every day.

One has to close ones mind to it, yet I fear its happening all over the world. The hatred is fuelled by money and the way we live.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Back to the old school house and actually I have kept my head above water this first week. With my Year 3's, whose favourite subject is masterbation, I went in with frank warnings of, "Any shit and you're out." I think they got the message and things went quite smoothly. I spoke a lot about masterbation actually, making questions like, "Did you masturbate last night?" We played a good game of Back to the Board and the memory game in the second class. It's quite advanced techniques really, a lot on memory recall and they quite like it.

The school director is trying to screw us by making us stay in the school when we have free periods, I have two days with a 4 hour break. Yes, they fuck us too by putting one lesson at the start of the day and one lesson at the end of the day with huge gaps of nothing in between. They really are fuckers and need to sort out their fucking hatred of us and the crazed desire to treat us like slaves or prisoners. Fortunately, the chaps there are all over 40 and won't put up with any shit. Makes for an interesting time.

I have started hanging out with a lovely guy from Stoke on Trent named Les. He's in his late 50s I'd say and generous, engaging and fun. I went to his house last night and we hung out. He's a bit of a wizz at sniffing out a bargain and presented us (there was an Aussie there too named Tim) with bottles of cider, which was such a treat. He told me of a tiny shop in town which stock imported beers, not many and never the same, but fine at that. He also plays World of Tanks online so we hook up on the battlefield and make quite a good duo.

I'm really liking Steam on the PC and have bought several games of late. They always have sales and this week I picked up Mass Effect 2 for $7. Definitely worthy of a replay sporting a great combat system. I am waiting for a turn-based combat game called Xcom to go on sale. These sales are like 75% off, so are great value. I also picked up some very retro arcade type games which are a hoot, especially Valgorr the Viking, though so incredibly hard I only survive a few seconds. Still.

Music, listening to Chili Peppers a lot and The Cure. Les said I should get (and I have) The Division Bell by Pink Floyd and do the old headphones in the dark trick. I have since acquired it and will probably give it a go tonight with the help of some coffee. He was chuffed I was familar with Umma Gumma and we spoke about that mad track, "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Mine Grooving with a Pict". He then told the story of how he had played the track to various Scotsman trying to identify the madmans ranting in the song, and yea, it is Pict language, ancient Scottish.

We got duped into going to a English thing for Grace this morning. Turns out it was a bunch of Filipinos, albeit very nice Filipinos, teaching everything about Jesus. I knew one of them who I had told I was a Pagan, so they sort of understood the fact I was a bit weirded out by it. I must say though, they were such a happy and positive bunch I felt  the warmth of their glow.

So, I am back in full on work mode and snatching my "me time" on my bike as I ride into work. I have also been doing stretching exercises in my classroom in free periods and will take in some TV shows as I have a projector and PC to mess about with, might be good for Breaking Bad.

Evening all.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

For Gamers...

This holiday I have had a massive run on World of Tanks. Having lost the details of my previous account, on which I had invested some hard cash and had some beautifully camouflaged KV and Hetzer models. Beginning again I used my experience and have diversified to try out some new tanks, namely the M4 Sherman, Hellcat, and the German Tiger and Panther tank lines. It's been fun.

By and by I have been quietly enjoying Terraria, a wonderful 2D plaformer that has you building cabins in the woods and digging mines down to Hell as you carefully craft an array of handy gizmos and create a castle to live in.

Also, I have just treated myself to two new ones on Steam, both simple, small games through wickedly injecting state of the art ideas in an 80's style game. These are Volka the Viking and Spelunky. They look fun.

On the ipad, I have been completely hooked on, "Rat on a Skateboard". Madness.


Sunday and I taught four hours today. I have been taking it quite easy lately and had prepared early and only slightly buzzed the night before. I'm back in full command of kindergarten kids these days, having experienced a "weird" lesson when I misjudged their level and was forced to abandon the simple writing exercise and come up with an imprompto "er...Let's do this!", whilst scrabbling for an idea for the next two hours. These days, its straight into an uber-marathon of ABC, 123, colours, animal and food review, Peppa Pig ABC cartoon, singing, "ABC", I can sing a rainbow,"Incy Wincey Spider" and "Wheels on the Bus." After this they are whist away to a compelling reading and colouring exercised, before being ushered out the door with a, "See you next week." It's a highly efficient treadmill of sorts. What I like about it is its cash in hand. Do the hours and get paid. No waiting around and a very convenient way to get a cash injection mid-month when my pittance of a main salary dries up, like a shrivelled-up raison under the parched desert sun.

So, back at home and Pee Gip staying another night, which means Grace has a friend to play with. A night of uninterrupted rocking out to Chili Peppers, G and T's, some "coffee" and a game of WOT's or two.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Privates were cancelled allowing me to kick back and relax. Grace has been entertained by the family who came over for the day. Pee Gip, a lovely young girl of about 8, has come to stay with Grace. You have never seen such a well-behaved child; very calm and quiet and not exposed to too much. Ipads and painting activities really make her eyes open, with all this wondrous stuff Grace commands. Yes, Grace is quite savvy with a lot of things. We have spent a good week with each other. It's fun to see her so delighted with stuff. She loved the King's Project and walking around the town, in all the shops. I am keeping her well supplied with paints and drawing pads, dutifully replacing them as soon as they run out (they're only 15 Baht each, so you can get the whole set for about 120 Baht or so.

Next week Oi and Grace and I are all off work, so we are planning to do some day trips from home, though I believe we may spend a couple of nights up at Cabana beach and eat some yummy pizza and English food. Actually, there is an English girl who runs this food and bar on the beach and not only does she cook wicked food, but she is a kind of indie chick like Harriet Wheeler from The Sundays. The sort of indie girl you would run into in a club in Brighton or some pub in Portsmouth.

Last night I went to Ekie's bar in the town by the train station. It's a fun place and not only are there the local teachers at the watering stop, by there are always young, white people with backpacks on their way to or from the islands for their holidays. Makes for a lively place. I know the lads here quite well now and can have some fun. Everyone seems very stable and not about to hate me for using the word, "intelligent" or something.

So, trying to enjoy some time to myself and sit back in my comfy chair and listen to some music.

Incidentally, suffering with my lower back pain was becoming unbearable. I resorted to Utube vids of stretching exercises which I started to do. I know most of them from years of dabbling in these things. Anyway, by Jingo! it's working and my pain has noticeably reduced, which is wonderful. Thanks God, I was beginning to worry it was irreversible. I will keep at it, with most vigour.

Riding my cool bike with my new, gel bum-bag, super comfy shorts, I got bitten by a bloody dog. Just a nip but it drew blood and required jabs and numerous trips to the hospital in the coming months. I hate dogs in this country. I want to go back and shoot it. Ad, of course, you can't do anything. Along with the crazy driving and weekly 20+ die in van accidents, dog are the other major piece of idiocy here. Why? Why? Why? Dogs hobbling around with 3 legs, people happily ignoring it with absolutely no thought for it whatsoever.  They won't kill it, but they won't do anything with it, except occasionally put down a bowl of rice for it, as its scabs and pustules bleed and sweat in the blazing sun.

I digress..

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Out and About

King's Project

Today, I went with Grace to the King's Project. A series of dams and waterways his nibs engineered to save the town from flooding. It's quite impressive and there is a model farm there that Grace loved. They had frogs, and chickens and ducks and lots of fish, and a very sweet jungle village with walkways between the different structures. It was all free and good fun riding along the side of the endless canals.

Earlier, Grace spent a couple of hours at some kiddies friend's house in Sunnyview. I was aimlessly riding around outside on my mountain bike until Dominic appeared and invited me in for some orange pop as he put it. Actually, Dominic is a bit of a treasure. From Newcastle and pretty much a Commie. He showed me a photo of him in Moscow meeting the curator of the museum and we spoke at length about Russian history and the like. I had just the night before been listening to a particularly interesting In Our Time episode about the peasant-come agriculturalist scientist that Stalin adopted, though his science was fatally flawed and millions starved, so I could talk about that, and everything that Mr. O'Brien, my brilliant History teacher, had embelished upon me. Dominic is rather fun and quite unique in this part of the world.

I bought some special padded cycling shorts today at great expense and am dying to try them out just to see if I do actually get a sore arse. Later I hope to acquire shoes and helmet.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Officially On Holiday

As of today, I am officially on holiday. That being, not being required to ride into town at seven in the morning, sign my name on a form, and ride all the way back home again. And we're trying to be environmentally responsible? Fuck off. Just another example of, "I'm the boss, and you will do as I command." A foolish attitude which will come to your detriment further on down the road.

Anyway, this morning I set off early to Makro and bought a huge pile of fruit and vegetables and a litre of olive oil (405Baht - about 8 pounds). I also had to spend 20 baht at the cashpoint to withdraw 1000 Baht because the cashpoint of my bank was empty. Weak.

So, the fruits are bathing in water as I write and will soon be atomised and transformed into a delicious and mega-healthy juice. This will be, apples, lemons, carrots and celery. For the first time ever, I'm going to do two juices. I will make another one and drink them both today.

Also, about to be prepared is my studs, onion, chilis, toms, and garlic concoction, all wonderfully fried in, oh so expensive olive oil. This should set me up for the day.

I should try to get out on the bike, but I'm feeling a little delicate after last nights rum baba session.

Young Gracie finishes school in a couple of days. Mater, of course is required to continue working like a slave, thus leaving me to entertain the little one for at least a couple of weeks. I hope I survive this exhausting experience. My current strategy is to get her out of the house, so I think I'll be taking her up the coast to the beach and do some serious outdoor activities. I'm tempted to try to spend the night up there, but we'll see how that one develops.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Taking Care of Gracie

My days of leisure have been interrupted by Grace acquiring a very mild cold and her taking some time at home with me. Bike rides put on hold as I attempt to entertain her for 8 hours.

It's tough, my temper shows but somehow I struggle through. Relentless "I want to ride my bicycle, "I want to go to Big C", "I want to feed the fish". Phew! I finally figured out its best not to be at home but out and about. Today, after signing in at the Nazi Boot Camp (whilst all the Thai teachers have been taken to Laos on a holiday I might add), we went to feed the fish in the park and to play on the fancy slides they got there. I met a 60 year old woman who told me how to help my lower back problem. By Jingo it worked! Leaning back over a horizontal beam about 4 foot off the ground and opening the joints of my compressed spine. I did it for about 20 minutes and it really helped. I will do it again tomorrow when I sign in at the empty death camp.

After that, I took Gracie out to the seashore which was great. Nothing like the sea to refresh one's dusty mind. We both loved it. After that we hit Big C shopping mall and she ran around for an hour in the Small World, despite being sick. After KFC and return home she was happy to play Ipad and watch cartoons 'til mummy arrived home. I got in some shandy and World of Tanks.

Weekend looms which now means work for me. I got good reports about last weekends effort and I want to blow their socks off this time around. I aim to get vids, songs and games aplenty to blow their tiny Chinese minds.

Let's see....

Rum, beer, Taj Mahal...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mountain Bike

Monday and just been out on the bike for an hour. It's so flat around here riding is easy. I keep to the farm roads as much as I can and try to explore a bit more each time I go out. I am hoping regular cycling will take away my lower back pain.

Today I went back to the bike shop and bought a super pump complete with pressure gauge, a pair of oh so cool gloves and a silicon water bottle and holder. Just need to get some allen keys to fit the bloody thing. I think this new hobby of mine, I can sink some coin into buying all the cool gear. A helmet will be next and maybe some trainers and a shirt and shorts. Let's see.

I worked Saturday and Sunday and brought in some more cash which I split with Oi. To her its a fortune and can really help us out. I was busting for some rum so I shot off to Big C supermarket to get some. I was hoping for cheepee from India at 325 Baht a bottle, but no, only Captain Morgan from Jamaica at 570 Baht. Laiden with coke and some dry ginger ale I headed for the checkout. "Teacher!", an 8-year old boy who I had taught the day before spotted me and followed me with his parents trolley. I desperately tried to shake him off, but no the little shit monkey pursuded me all the way to the check out along with his parents all watching me as I tried to conceal the bottle of rum on the counter. I gave him a quick, "Are you going to school tomorrow?" and got out of there as quick as I could and back into the darkness and safety of the road home.

Still have to sign in at the school house every day and attend any matters that may arise. I try to control my temper when they phone me up stating that Ploy is unhappy with her score in the test and what am I going to do about it? Still I should get some time off to chill out, watch Breaking Bad, play World of Tanks and go cycling for a space.

Spuds on the boil downstairs. Had best attend....

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Long Stretch

Finally finished, sort of, marking the exams and writing lots of scribbles in the register that I completely failed to do every class. It's just not in my programming and I won't lie about someone not being it class. Hence I had to fill in hundreds of tiny marks in the huge tome of a registration folder for each of the 11 classes that I teach. Yes, another example of Thais making a simple process extremely complex and important looking.

So now I am looking at an extended time off work, even though I am not officially on holiday, thus have to ride several miles into work every morning to sign my name and promptly get back on my bike and get the Hell out of there before anyone collars me with a "Good morning" or scornful look that they are so good at dishing out. Hey man! It's your crazy rules, so quit with the evil stares.

Cooking is very much on the agenda and I am soon to zip off to Makro to acquire tomatoes, cloves, apples, carrots, parsey and anything else to make chili and juices and ginger beer which should all begin momentarily.

I have some weekend work starting Saturday which will pull in a bit of much needed cash. I'm going to do a super job for them and make some handouts etc.

Here goes...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Favourite Tank - Hetzer

This really is my favourite tank. An awesome little number and I've got it to elite status which allows me to accelerate crew training, so I can acquire extra cool skills like faster repair and reloading.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Holiday relax fun

Had the last exam at school today. We had to go in and "be around" for a while, handing out spare copies of tests if there was a mix up in the system. My co-worker is Karen, a cool American lady of about 40ish from 'Sisco and a lovely soul. We have coffee together now and again and relate our life experiences. A brave lady.

Now I have to sign in for the next few weeks until my holiday officially starts on 1st October until 21st Oct. Hopefully, if Oi's fascist school allows, we can slip away somewhere for a break. Procuring the mountain bike was a great idea for when I need to get some exercise, though the climate dictates morning and evening rides, and then I am taking care of Grace most of the time. We have fun though riding around Sunnyview together. Her bike is quite super for a 4 year old and she can get up quite a speed. I try to warn her about corners and on-coming traffic, but she ain't the best at listening.

Listening to a lot of the Cure these days and The Cat Empire, who I would recommend.

Also, playing a lot of World of Tanks and nearly at reacquiring a KV, as I lost my account details from years before. Also, have a Lee and a Hetzer on the go. Great fun and completely free.

A kind chap at work, Les from Stoke on Trent, in his 50's is proving a rare surprising friend. He makes his own Ginger beer and plays World of Tanks. Very straight talker. When I asked him what he was doing in the holidays, he had no qualms in immediately responding with, "Playing games and masturbating", regardless of who was in the room. He said he brewed some potent ginger beer with hallucinogenic qualities, and he is no bullshit merchant. He was given the role at our school of, "shirt inspector", checking if we are all properly attired.

Working with some great people actually.

5th wedding anniversary tomorrow and I made a supreme effort to get Oi and nice present. Offered it tonight but she very wisely said she would wait for the morrow.

Been frying up onions, garlic and chilies in olive oil and saute spuds. Served with tuna mayo salt and pepper and very yummy. Hoping to get some hummus up and running, some apple and carrot juices and lots of yummy veg cooking - I love the olive oil/garlic combo. Gonna do a bunch of tomatoes soon and make some kind of spag bol as it has been years. Also will get kidney beans up on the menu and some serious chili dishes. Super yummy.

Thought I might do a Mac cheese as I never eat cheese anymore, though I love it. Make a good holiday feast.

Halfway through season 3 of Breaking Bad and loving it, though I guess it always tails off a bit mid season. Actually, I am still kind of astounded I broke season 2 as it took me about 2 years.

Very little stimulates me to watch these days, I have to say. Kind sad. I don't know why. I prefer to sleep.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Holiday Looms

Saturday night and still reeling from exhaustion. OI and myself have been running on empty and, for me, just in time. I teach normal classes on Monday and then Tuesday exams start. For this I need to sign in every day and check the kids have their test papers, then I can come home. I have to keep signing in for a few weeks but am free to come home again. I will still my private work at the other place and have taken on weekend work which will bring in another 4K for a weekend stint.

The bike is incredible and I took a ride ay 6 this morning and again tonight. It's very light and I was flying around Sunnyview, utilizing every piece of rough terrian to get the off-road feel I love. Hopefully tomorrow I can head out with Arun and Martin, a couple of teachers in town. Actually, Arun is a great pal, hailing from Blackburn and about 28. His girlfriend runs the office I do the privates. A lovely Northern soul, likes PC games, art, mountain bikes and gin and tonics. These guys ride on the road. I want to get them onto trails which is so much fun. I plan to do a lot of riding in the hols and get some exploring and technical riding underway.

Grace's bike is also top banana, and she loves it. She can pound along at quite a pace. A decent bike makes all the difference. We go out a couple of times a day now bombing around the estate.

I have a high res copy of Cross of Iron, and am on S2E10 of Breaking Bad and progressing at a fair rate. It's all good.

Purchasing the bike set me back, so I am having to budget. I procured a bottle of dark rum made in India today, and I have to say, it tastes as good as Captain Morgans, so it looks like I can save myself 300 a pop. What wilh Gilbey's Gin which I can get at 295 Baht in Makro, I am on my way to setting up a booze cabinet. There's a vodka Don recommended that I want to pick up and I am setting myself up to start making Ginger Beer in the hols.

Downloaded the discography of The Cat Empire. Aussie Ska-Reggae-Jazz and very nice too.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

I got it

I have the bike. It's a Trek 3700 model. I hadn't been on a bike in over 10 years. It's a beauty. I rode it home, scary in this country. I kept trying to look in the mirror that wasn't there. I have been speeding about Sunnyview attempting bunnyhops and succeeded in cutting my foot in my sad plastic shoes that fell off.

We got Grace a new one too. Her old one was like a very heavy toy which would hardly go. I found a great one with proper wheels and spokes and it goes like a dream. She too has been wizzing about the estate. I'm terrified of the Thai drivers though who will slow down at nothing.

Last night I researched making ginger beer which I shall attempt in the October break.

I had a brainwave and am downloading The Karate Kid which I am hoping is a movie Oi may enjoy, "wax on, wax off".

Tomorrow I plan a ride which I have devised. It's going to be awesome. The thing that struck me the most as I rode home through the country lanes was the silence of my bike. No engine. No noise. It was magical.

Friday, August 30, 2013


I'm hoping to get a new bike as soon as I can figure out how to get into town and bring it home again. I have also seen a decent one for Grace but I want her to sit on it first to check the size. My one is going to be a Trek mountain bike. I did quite extensive research and went armed with a tape measure, asked lots of questions, made mental assessments of the people talking to me. The folks were all decent actually. I can't imagine a shithead selling bicycles to be honest. One guy though couldn't get around the frame size dilemma. Thais are small and 19" bikes are hard to find.

We are all working pretty damn hard of late. Twice this week Grace fell asleep on OI's bike on the way home from school and didn't wake up again until the next morning. I told her to take a nap at school in the daytime, which she promptly has started doing. Oi is working flat out at school too. As a result there is little time for anything else.

I went out last Friday as it was Jon's birthday and had a great time. We ended up back at his gaff for some late night Playstation 2 tennis. I got home at three in the morning.

Last night (Friday again) I stayed home, having secured another bottle of rum which kept me company as I watched music videos on Utube.

I have to work this Sunday which really limits my time this weekend.

My lower back pain has been bad of late, despite the new chair, but my 2nd boss told me about magnesium tablets. I got some, actually calcium and magnesium, and they appear to be working. I do my best to keep away from any dairy food as part of my diet.

The school canteen has me reeling. Acres and acres of food stalls selling meat, meat and meat. There was one stall that sold salad but they stopped because no one bought it. One old lady sells fruit and lately I have just been eating her produce. It's sad viewing seeing all the fat kids in the school and everyone seems oblivious to the fact that there may be something wrong. A nation that once lived on fruit and vegetables and only used meat as a flavour have done a big 180. I think in about ten years there is going to be a lot of people keeling over. That and the road traffic fatalies, six times great than UK, it makes for scary stuff every time you venture out.

Still, there is always the war. Hey! I am so glad UK voted no go. Hague and DVD Dave are furious, and can you believe they were caught calling Miliband a "fucking cunt". Kind of shows you the level of people running the country. Looks like USA has to go it alone, or at least with France. That should be a laugh. I wonder if Freedom Fries will be on the menu in the marines canteen. Russia supplying arms to Assad. China completely out of it as usual. They'll be jumping all over Japan and the South China Sea before too long.

Sad world.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nana Beach


My super comfy chair means there has been a lot more TV watching going on.

I have embarked on a crusade of; Breaking Bad, The Top of the Lake, Endeavour and a scattering of carefully perused reviews of great TV series. It makes for fine viewing and I am still in acres of delight at the relaxed posture of my body as I gaze these wonders.

A chap of work, Les from Stoke on Trent, is a gamer. despite being over 50, and we have hooked up on World of Tanks. I forgot my previous account details, so have started again. I am aiming directly for a KV and a IS, like I had before. I also have a German route open to acquire a Hetzer and an American route to get me a Pershing. I have come back into the game with my previous experience and have bagged 4 tanks in one battle fairly early on. It's an awesome game.

Borderland 2 is still great, but I am taking a breather from the relentless gunfighting.

School is ok-ish. Jon quit in a fury, and things have quietened down. We (the remaining teachers)generally just hook up for chats. I have started going out in to the town in my spare hours and exploring. I found found some nice shops that could one day be of use. It's a nice town, probably about the same size as Petersfield actually. It's not a complicated place, and it is a market town as Petersfield is.

I will be watching series 2 of Breaking Bad this evening. It's been fun. I may possibly have seen the few episodes I have already watched, but I was quite possibly too wasted to be sure. The boring bit I imagined that had stopped me from continuing a couple of years back, doesn't seem to be present and I am finding the story quite amusing. It's like seeing a couple of old friends again.

I think it's time for a battle in World of Tanks....

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Visit from Don

Don came over from Ranong this weekend, as it was a 3 day holiday.

It was good to catch up. This time I was more settled into the new house and felt far more relaxed than last time. We had a few drinks and watched some movies.

I had picked up a bottle of rum and some ginger ale and coke with ice. It was a nice rum and the drinks were really nice. Oi liked it too.

Grace had a great time with Don. Any opportunity for her to meet someone else is well taken as she develops. We had fun.

Oi and Grace took off to the farm leaving me and Don to have a good time.  He headed home this morning. A 2 hour ride over the mountains to the other coast.

My lower back has been in much pain of late, caused by sitting in my PC chair for hours on end. I could stand it no more and went in search of a comfy chair. Boy! Did I find one? It's a beaut and I picked it up in Home Pro. Black fake leather on a laminated wooden frame. It reclines right back is super compfy and has a stylish foot rest to boot. Good bye bad back!