Sunday, October 13, 2013


Sunday and I taught four hours today. I have been taking it quite easy lately and had prepared early and only slightly buzzed the night before. I'm back in full command of kindergarten kids these days, having experienced a "weird" lesson when I misjudged their level and was forced to abandon the simple writing exercise and come up with an imprompto "er...Let's do this!", whilst scrabbling for an idea for the next two hours. These days, its straight into an uber-marathon of ABC, 123, colours, animal and food review, Peppa Pig ABC cartoon, singing, "ABC", I can sing a rainbow,"Incy Wincey Spider" and "Wheels on the Bus." After this they are whist away to a compelling reading and colouring exercised, before being ushered out the door with a, "See you next week." It's a highly efficient treadmill of sorts. What I like about it is its cash in hand. Do the hours and get paid. No waiting around and a very convenient way to get a cash injection mid-month when my pittance of a main salary dries up, like a shrivelled-up raison under the parched desert sun.

So, back at home and Pee Gip staying another night, which means Grace has a friend to play with. A night of uninterrupted rocking out to Chili Peppers, G and T's, some "coffee" and a game of WOT's or two.

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