Friday, May 23, 2014


I have suddenly become rich, to a degree.

The sale of the house in Southsea went through and via SWIFT cash has been arriving in Thailand. A huge chunk to Oi, who will buy this house on Monday, coup permitting and a wee transfer to a new account I opened, which means I have a vast stack of cash to dip into as needs arise.

The coup kicked off last night, just as well as I had a couple of Singhas. No school today. Not that the fuckers bothered to inform their foreign staff.

I rushed over to Tescos and bought lots of yummy food like ham, peanut butter, cereal and coffee and chocolate and McVitie's Chocolate Digestives.

I spent the day sifting through PC games and managed to cut the lawn with a pair of shears Oi bought in Homepro. She is also experiencing shopping euphoreia.

Tonight, in embarassing overindulgence, I rode into town and picked up a litre of gin (cheapee Gilbeys, not Gordon's - just not worth the extra 400 baht) and a bottle of Famous Grouse - first time I've seen it in Chumpon. Then I got some beers. Don't worry the spirits will be supped slowly.

Meanwhile I have been trawling the Net for board game shops in Bangkok who may sell some rather appealing D&D style board games. They deliver, and I believe the chaps here in Chumpon may be up for an evening of board games with beers, so it's worth investigating. When Peter was here we had a cracking game of Carcassonne with 3 players. It was scary good fun. Even Peter was mildly blown away.

So Oi will buy the house very soon which is awesome for her and Grace. They will always have somewhere to call their own. I saw John Entwhistle say the other day that riches came too late. I kinda feel the same as I have no desire for anything except good food and a few nik naks. Still, it's all good and very fun.

Desperately into Warhammer Quest on the Ipad right now. Even contacting the company for future updates. PC is more problematic. Too many choices, though I still love Duel of Champions.

Music is great and very into the Who right now watching old concert footage and differene3t version of A Quick One While He's Away (the one one the Stone's Rock and Roll Circus).

Vikings has ended and I am in a bit of a void on TV watching, though I have been enjoying a very passive Grey's Anatomy, restarting at the first series.

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