Wednesday, May 28, 2014


On Monday, Oi bought the house. For cash.

She took the day off work and met the various people, bankers, etc and headed for the Land Registry office where it was carried out. She heard woops and gasps as she declared she would buy it outright.

It's awesome for her and Grace, and me too. They will be okay now in this regard. There is still a ton of cash left over and we can both enjoy some shopping.

I just ordered a D&D style board game from Bangkok which arrived today. It's pretty exciting opening a box of floor tiles and plastic monsters. I want to get some paints and make them super cool. Then get some folks over to play over a few drinks.

A camera is also on the cards at some point.

School is going well, but I have been suggesting to my new boss that we reduce this academic learning of general knowledge, science and maths and do more conversation. It must have been some halfwit's idea...running before they can walk. I am sure in an international school it's a good idea, but most of these kids live on the farm. Easy and fun conversation will be better for them. Still, we shall see, and I have been enjoying the extensive research I have done of origins of the universe and planet Earth too. Melvin has been invaluable for this, though I am usually asleep before the show ends, or I become aware that I haven't taken anything in for the past ten minutes.

We are both concentrating on cutting back on intensive work from our schools and enjoying our precious family time together. Oi may decide to do something else as the fuckwit at her school drives her to dispair.

Grace is fine and raving about fairies most of the time. She is incredibly articulated and an absolute joy to us both. She is definitely a fully fledged third member of the family issuing demands and suggestions at all times.

I have painted the front gate with primer as we both prepare for extensive refurbishment at the house. We have to get the rear garden beefed up as it is falling away, being at the edge of the site. And we will have the kitchen doubled in size so we have plenty of room to cook and store all our pots and pans. We are going to base the decoration on the cool stuff at the Nana Beach Resort. Varnished bare cement finish and hardwood shelves. If it goes according to the iamge in my head it should be great.

We also popped in at a local plant shop and aim to purchase a veritable jungle to surround ourselves will and block out beastly neighbours. Actually, Sunnyview is a very pleasant place to live. And in Thialand that means a lot.

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