Two days into my break and at home with Gracie again while Oi is at a camp.
I've got straight back into cooking, rediscovering how eating scrummy food puts all the delight into being alive.
Yesterday morning Gracie and I zoomed over to Makro and had a whirlwind around the store. There is plenty of Christamas goodies there so Grace was in awe and very excited. I stocked up on veggies and my new find, Cumberland sausages (very tasty) and I a pack of bacon. All had been recommended and explained to me by the local teachers here. Bloody Hell, is it good!
I've been eating bacon sarnies, bacon and eggs with fried bread and sausages with saute potatoes so far. A positive gorge fest. I acquired a few bottles of South African cider the other day which goes down a treat. Thinking about it, I might repeat that tonight actually. Last night I was back on Leo which brought me straight back to poor Thai beer. Something they should be ashamed of if they knew any different.
Added to this, one of my all time favourite games became available on the ipad last night, Panzer Corps. A table top WW2 strategy game which is generally regarded among the high brow veterans of such things as the best and quinessential game of its era. It dates back a few years, but plays like a fine wine. Authentic german voices congratulate you on your success and scorn you when you fail. It's an epic game. This format means I can play in bed with headphones late at night.
BTW, this game can be played over the Net (multiplayer) and its turn based. Perfect for friends and family to get together with. Hint Hint. ANd you might want to start soon as we are getting rather old.
These things should keep me occupied for the interim and beyond
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