Saturday, October 26, 2013


Back to the old school house and actually I have kept my head above water this first week. With my Year 3's, whose favourite subject is masterbation, I went in with frank warnings of, "Any shit and you're out." I think they got the message and things went quite smoothly. I spoke a lot about masterbation actually, making questions like, "Did you masturbate last night?" We played a good game of Back to the Board and the memory game in the second class. It's quite advanced techniques really, a lot on memory recall and they quite like it.

The school director is trying to screw us by making us stay in the school when we have free periods, I have two days with a 4 hour break. Yes, they fuck us too by putting one lesson at the start of the day and one lesson at the end of the day with huge gaps of nothing in between. They really are fuckers and need to sort out their fucking hatred of us and the crazed desire to treat us like slaves or prisoners. Fortunately, the chaps there are all over 40 and won't put up with any shit. Makes for an interesting time.

I have started hanging out with a lovely guy from Stoke on Trent named Les. He's in his late 50s I'd say and generous, engaging and fun. I went to his house last night and we hung out. He's a bit of a wizz at sniffing out a bargain and presented us (there was an Aussie there too named Tim) with bottles of cider, which was such a treat. He told me of a tiny shop in town which stock imported beers, not many and never the same, but fine at that. He also plays World of Tanks online so we hook up on the battlefield and make quite a good duo.

I'm really liking Steam on the PC and have bought several games of late. They always have sales and this week I picked up Mass Effect 2 for $7. Definitely worthy of a replay sporting a great combat system. I am waiting for a turn-based combat game called Xcom to go on sale. These sales are like 75% off, so are great value. I also picked up some very retro arcade type games which are a hoot, especially Valgorr the Viking, though so incredibly hard I only survive a few seconds. Still.

Music, listening to Chili Peppers a lot and The Cure. Les said I should get (and I have) The Division Bell by Pink Floyd and do the old headphones in the dark trick. I have since acquired it and will probably give it a go tonight with the help of some coffee. He was chuffed I was familar with Umma Gumma and we spoke about that mad track, "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Mine Grooving with a Pict". He then told the story of how he had played the track to various Scotsman trying to identify the madmans ranting in the song, and yea, it is Pict language, ancient Scottish.

We got duped into going to a English thing for Grace this morning. Turns out it was a bunch of Filipinos, albeit very nice Filipinos, teaching everything about Jesus. I knew one of them who I had told I was a Pagan, so they sort of understood the fact I was a bit weirded out by it. I must say though, they were such a happy and positive bunch I felt  the warmth of their glow.

So, I am back in full on work mode and snatching my "me time" on my bike as I ride into work. I have also been doing stretching exercises in my classroom in free periods and will take in some TV shows as I have a projector and PC to mess about with, might be good for Breaking Bad.

Evening all.

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