It began with me at crysis point, really angry, swearing and in a fould mood for about 3 days. All this unpaid for extra work pushed on us at the school was really getting to me, the last demand was for 200 multiple choice questions on ASEAN. I struggled for hours typing up questions before giving up exhausted and finally copied a bunch straight off the Internet and pasted them on a document. I have very little free time as it is, then to be told to do massive amounts of extra work for free is beyond comprehension for me.
The atmosphere at my school is terrible and gets worse by the day, though personally I am spared the evil eye from our boss. A spy has been placed in our room. A thai woman who sits at the back of the room watching us. It's like being in a POW camp.
Poor John blew up whilst being observed and said he was quitting, unable to teach with a Thai teacher scribbling notes about him at the back of the class. He didn't come in today.
I have decided to complete this year then get another job next March in a smaller school. It's very sad and strange. We collectively call our manager, "Hitler", and other nicknames like, "witch", banshee", "Kitler", Imperial Emporer" are also thrown about.
I was offered another full time job last night in the language centre where I work in the evenings. I will keep it in mind and the staff there are lovely.
Anyway, I juiced all week and didn't eat any meat or crap, only allowing fruits and vegetables to pass my lips. Soon the mist rose and dispersed and I feel great again. Such a great secret of a good diet, no toxins and lots of water.
Tomorrow we head to the beach for a break and Grace is desperate to get there.
The weather has been very mild and quite a lot of rain. It's much cooler here than in Hat Yai and I am often cold!
Gamewise, I am really enjoying Borderlands 2, a fun comic-like shooter. I bought all the DLC for it and as it's pretty big, I am relishing the fun gameplay and ga-zillions of different guns and upgrades to be acquired. Highly recommended to budding gamers.
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