Friday night and had a wonderful night out with the lads here.
I have to say, it is a most excellent crowd. They meet every Friday night at this bar by the train station called "Ecky's Bar". A very loose and chilled bunch, mainly Brits, enjoying a few beers and some banter. There are some real characters here. Salt of the Earth types who shared a joke and a laugh. The bar is a long, open, wooden shack with a pool table and a boxing ring! Out the back by the loos, last night I spied a big table of Thais playing cards and gambling away, thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Jon, the chap from Essex, is a very lovely bloke and is always cracking jokes and has a very pleasing nature. Colin, is definetly worthy of mention, bald and in a state of constant "crack up". He was grooving on his own to the reggae band last week. He seems like he was very happy to escape England and what sounded like a very stressful life. He threw it all away and moved to Chum Pon to live a life of joy.
I should state that most of these guys have wives and kids and are pretty together guys, just very chilled. Most look like they have crawled from a beached shipwreck.
We had a great time and it looks like things could be really great for me here. Oi's coming up with all sorts of teaching ideas to market me to teach the locals. I think we will get pretty busy here and, hopefully, make some money.
It's great, Oi, me and Grace, are all prospering quite well.
Hat Yai had become very stagnant.
At the school I have my own classroom and I have a PC, projector and powerpoint. I have been learning how to use this program and am really enjoying it. I have made a couple of presentations for the kids and am in the process of making a "Shopping" one, with tons of cartoon conversations to repeat and photos of clothes, high tech shopping malls and markets. It's good fun. It's such a great tool. I showed them Peppa Pig which was funny for them. I've been playing Angels, Bombs and Guns, Hangman, Odd One Out and Back to the Board with them.
I just bought the new Call of Juarez game on Steam, so I must away and be cowboy.....
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