With all my friends away, I have been gaming a lot, physical and PC based.
LOTR Card Game has been great, though I am desperately trying to get passed the third Adventure pack in the first series, "A Journey to Rhosgobel". I thought it was going to be a breeze. How wrong I was. However, it has forced me to examine my player deck very carefully to try to optimize my chance of success. Soon, I hope to get passed it and continue through the campaign.
I have also been able to spend time organising my other games. Battlelore is all painted, and Harry and I had a great day of gaming before he left. Zombicide base set is all painted. X-Wing I have been organising it and laminating cards ready for the next season. The new faction, Scum and Villainy, is ready to go. Imperial Assault remains to be examined and painted, though one stormtrooper and one rebel fighter are nearly complete.
On the PC I have been playing World of Tanks and, newly acquired, GTA 5. I was hoping to leave PC games behind, but it hasn't happened. I do now though, however, only play a very limited range of games, as I find many of them just don't do much for me. Gracie and I though have had a hoot on Skyrim and we have been progressing a character. I also upgraded my RAM from 4 Gig to 8 Gig and what a huge difference that makes. I am also about to upgrade my graphics card to a NVidia Ge Force GTX 960 which should set me up for a couple of years and allow me to play the approaching Witcher 3.