Saturday, May 31, 2014

10:47 Saturday night.

I rearranged my study/gaming room. I kind of claimed it and then decided today to put another table in it to create a harmonious 90 degree workspace. PC on one side, and then handy extra table immediately to my left for project work; right now laying out the first game in my newly acquired Descent game. Heroes, monsters and spell cards are neatly piled up waiting for a test run of this new game sent to me by a great American chap who runs Bangkok Games shop.

Tonight, I rushed down to Home Pro and bought a lamp for my study. It's fantastic, as you can probably predict. And just adds some dignity to the room. As if serious study goes on here, which of course, it does.

Having become rich, I now have ample of all my requirements. I bought the litre bottle of Gilbey's gin for the first time, 2 kilos of museli, 2 packs of coffee and a bottle of Famous Grouse whisky.

It was a good thing to do and probably soon to repeat. I have hit an efficiency mode. Suddenly in my life I am awake again, able to travel, buy anything, stop extra work and Party!!!

It's great!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


On Monday, Oi bought the house. For cash.

She took the day off work and met the various people, bankers, etc and headed for the Land Registry office where it was carried out. She heard woops and gasps as she declared she would buy it outright.

It's awesome for her and Grace, and me too. They will be okay now in this regard. There is still a ton of cash left over and we can both enjoy some shopping.

I just ordered a D&D style board game from Bangkok which arrived today. It's pretty exciting opening a box of floor tiles and plastic monsters. I want to get some paints and make them super cool. Then get some folks over to play over a few drinks.

A camera is also on the cards at some point.

School is going well, but I have been suggesting to my new boss that we reduce this academic learning of general knowledge, science and maths and do more conversation. It must have been some halfwit's idea...running before they can walk. I am sure in an international school it's a good idea, but most of these kids live on the farm. Easy and fun conversation will be better for them. Still, we shall see, and I have been enjoying the extensive research I have done of origins of the universe and planet Earth too. Melvin has been invaluable for this, though I am usually asleep before the show ends, or I become aware that I haven't taken anything in for the past ten minutes.

We are both concentrating on cutting back on intensive work from our schools and enjoying our precious family time together. Oi may decide to do something else as the fuckwit at her school drives her to dispair.

Grace is fine and raving about fairies most of the time. She is incredibly articulated and an absolute joy to us both. She is definitely a fully fledged third member of the family issuing demands and suggestions at all times.

I have painted the front gate with primer as we both prepare for extensive refurbishment at the house. We have to get the rear garden beefed up as it is falling away, being at the edge of the site. And we will have the kitchen doubled in size so we have plenty of room to cook and store all our pots and pans. We are going to base the decoration on the cool stuff at the Nana Beach Resort. Varnished bare cement finish and hardwood shelves. If it goes according to the iamge in my head it should be great.

We also popped in at a local plant shop and aim to purchase a veritable jungle to surround ourselves will and block out beastly neighbours. Actually, Sunnyview is a very pleasant place to live. And in Thialand that means a lot.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wrath of Ashergard - Wanted board game



I have suddenly become rich, to a degree.

The sale of the house in Southsea went through and via SWIFT cash has been arriving in Thailand. A huge chunk to Oi, who will buy this house on Monday, coup permitting and a wee transfer to a new account I opened, which means I have a vast stack of cash to dip into as needs arise.

The coup kicked off last night, just as well as I had a couple of Singhas. No school today. Not that the fuckers bothered to inform their foreign staff.

I rushed over to Tescos and bought lots of yummy food like ham, peanut butter, cereal and coffee and chocolate and McVitie's Chocolate Digestives.

I spent the day sifting through PC games and managed to cut the lawn with a pair of shears Oi bought in Homepro. She is also experiencing shopping euphoreia.

Tonight, in embarassing overindulgence, I rode into town and picked up a litre of gin (cheapee Gilbeys, not Gordon's - just not worth the extra 400 baht) and a bottle of Famous Grouse - first time I've seen it in Chumpon. Then I got some beers. Don't worry the spirits will be supped slowly.

Meanwhile I have been trawling the Net for board game shops in Bangkok who may sell some rather appealing D&D style board games. They deliver, and I believe the chaps here in Chumpon may be up for an evening of board games with beers, so it's worth investigating. When Peter was here we had a cracking game of Carcassonne with 3 players. It was scary good fun. Even Peter was mildly blown away.

So Oi will buy the house very soon which is awesome for her and Grace. They will always have somewhere to call their own. I saw John Entwhistle say the other day that riches came too late. I kinda feel the same as I have no desire for anything except good food and a few nik naks. Still, it's all good and very fun.

Desperately into Warhammer Quest on the Ipad right now. Even contacting the company for future updates. PC is more problematic. Too many choices, though I still love Duel of Champions.

Music is great and very into the Who right now watching old concert footage and differene3t version of A Quick One While He's Away (the one one the Stone's Rock and Roll Circus).

Vikings has ended and I am in a bit of a void on TV watching, though I have been enjoying a very passive Grey's Anatomy, restarting at the first series.

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Sad State of Affairs

A public holiday and a chance to relax.

It must be said that Thailand is in such a state right now.

The political stand-off goes on between the yellows and the reds. Job losses are starting to filter through as it takes its toll on the economy. 5,000 losses at Thai Air and 30,000 in the motor manufacturing sector, and that's only what I am aware of. Multiple countries, like Japan, are pulling out and no sense can be had form the Thais, who seem so different in how they think from the rest of the world. T'would appear greed and deeply ingrained corruption rule the land and the as one party cannot accept the other they would rather burn the country than allow the other to claim victory. Madness, and yet it can be found at every level of Thai society as all Westerners here now and have to deal with on a daily basis.

China is getting mighty aggressive in the South China Sea, setting up oil rigs off the Vietnamese coast and mutiple ramming incidents with just about every nation is ASEAN. Wankers.

School is great but really hard work 50+ kids in a class and so tiring. So far I am keeping up with it and enjoy the laughs with the kids and my new assistant, Port, is a great guy.

Trying to play games in my spare minutes but have trouble getting into them right now.

Listening to The Who a lot, and enjoying Game of Thrones now that Vikings has ended.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Work Work Work then Holiday

Three days back at work then a holiday.

Wow. It was gruelling, and yet I really enjoyed it. This year I am teaching M2 and M5  (13 and 16 year olds) and I have a male assistant named Port. He is a gamer and a DOTA 2 player, which is a hardcore team game played worldwide. He's a nice guy. Quite nervous at the start but seems like a good bloke and normal.

Added to this class sizes are 50 students. I laid down the law stating that anyone messing about would instantly be kicked out and marked as absent. Having a Thai in the room should sort out behavoir.

So, Friday and a holiday. Just as well as my body is aching from working again.

I have spent the day gaming and searching and acquiring new games and playing old favourites, namely Panzer Corps.

Last night I went down to the town and met up with the boys. It was a lot of fun and the folks here are a crack. A big crowd of English and Americans and everyone gets along fine.

I'm quite keen to knock out some lessons on Powerpoint and develop my approach to teaching older kids. So far it's been fun and my secong year at this school has all the Thai people there that much friendlier towards me, as is usually the case.

The money from the house sale in Southsea came through and later this month we will buy the house in Sunnyview that we are renting now. That will mean an instant saving of 6,000 baht a month in rent which will be awesome. I also got a 3,000 baht a month increase at my school so we will have a lot more cash. Hell, maybe we can even like, go somewhere!

Game heaven at the moment. The list is;

Panzer Corps
Might and Magic Duel of Champions.
Blackguards (new one, downloading as I type)
Warhammer Quest (ipad)
Shadowrun Returns

All great.

TV. Vikings just ended season 2 and was fucking amazing. It's a must watch.
Game of Thrones is watchable but pretty boring.

Planning to extend the kitch at the house and we have to shear up the back of the house as the ground is falling away as we are on the egde of the site. Oi's family will do it to reduce costs. Having a bigger kitchen will be awesome as we both constantly cook. Then I will make an outdoors drinking corner.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Looming School

Indeed, school is just a heartbeat away, and I am in near dread of the prospect.

It's been a pleasing holiday.

Tom came to stay last week. We headed up to Cabana beach and stayed at the Nana Beach Resort. It was sublime. Grace loved the pool and pricy bungalow. Tom stayed in the cheapee rooms down the road but lounged about in the expensive one during the day.

It was very fun. We had lots of drink with my Chumphon buddies who came up for the day and had Indian curries and White Russians in the evening.

Back at Sunnyview, Grace danced around Tom and we hit the pool a couple of times. I made Tom sit through six episodes of Vikings. It is compelling we both agreed. I am stunned by that show, and Ragnar Lothbrook is just awesome. Watch it.

It was great to see Tom (it's been a year) and we were mirthful and full of joy. I played some priceless Fry and Laurie sketches and the new 20-12 show which was fun.

He headed off to Koh Tao to continue his adventure.

In the meantime my house in Southsea has been sold. This lets us buy the house in Sunnyview with cash left over.

I celebrates tonight by buying a bottle of rum and a bottle of Gordon's gin.

This holiday has been mainly spent at home and I played plenty of games and really enjoyed it. I just love fantasy turn-based games. This summer I played;

Might and Magic Duel of Champions
World of Tanks.
Warhammer Quest
Borderlands 2
Card Hunter

All very compelling and fun.

I have been watching Viking and season 4 of Game of Thrones, and season 28 of Survivor which Oi likes.

Days have been spent drinking morning coffee, cooking baked spuds, taking Grace to the swimming pool, town, Natalie's house.

I made friends with a German chap in Sunnyview called Patrick. A good and clever guy in the diving business here.