Grace, Jonathans and Sonya.
Mater will be nearly home by now, and it's a time to reflect.
It was a great duration. A short stay but busy and also very lucky. Due to the Thai protests, Oi and I both had most of the time off work.
Jonathan and Sonya were awesome. I do remember them from Ireland and seemed lovely then. This time was the same, but for longer, and I got to know a bit about them.
Blessed with devine luck we took off for an island. Koh Payam off Ranong in the Anderman Sea. A beautiful island. A long pier at a small settlement that reminded me of a pirates locale. It was tiny and bustling. Bars, food shops, hippy clothes shops, a gang of motorcycle taxi drivers looking suitably wrinkled under the all-day sun. The odd farand hobbling around on crutches, and a few with white slings or plasters. Our ride to our residence is worthy of note. Four or five motorcycles carried us across the island. First on a narrow concrete slab road that took us to the other side, I'd say for about 4 or 5 kilometers. It was all very scenic, winding and up and down. As we approached the resort the road became a dirt track and went suddenly uphill. It hit a slight crest with magnificent primary jungle trees and lush scrub, then dropped steeply down the other side, that makes for hairy riding.
Our Bungalow
The Restaurant, Koh Payam.
When you arrive after parking the bikes halfway down the hill and proceeding on foot, the beach is laid out to your left as you walk in to a shady, spacious restaurant with a long open bar, perfect for drinks, breakfast and a late lunch.
Part 2 later....