Thursday, February 28, 2013

On the ipad, I have started to play these fantasy card games, and I find them quite fun for the moment. In fact, this one, Magic 2013 is really great.
 It takes a little while to figure it out, but once you start to learn it becomes a highly absorbing, tactical game. One must try to eliminate the other player with a plethora of cards that include monsters, attachable rings and artifacts and spell to blast him with.
 These games are so well thought out supported by teams of game making experts, devising clever ways to make the most wonderful waste of time. This is one of them and perfect if you want some quiet time pondering over a cunning distraction. Which it what life is all about really, isn't it?
 I searched and acquired a few of them. Ascension and Magic 2013 seem to be the best.

While I enjoy these delights, Oi is obsessed by Carcassonne and plays several online games every day.

Yes, these kind of games I enjoyed when I was a kid and the ipad is a great devise to recapture the glory of board games. I got some real heavy ones about the dawn of civilisation and all that junk, like, whatever that is.
 The move is imminent and we only await buying the train tickets. A lot of stuff is packed up and ready to be loaded onto a truck.

Grace was back at the hospital last night after pussy, who lives nearby, got fed up with being dragged about by her haunches and took a couple of swift jabs at Princess.

It was like old times hanging on for dear life riding through the darkness, then bustling lights of busy downtown Hat Yai. We were veterans of his task and I can even programme in a drop in at the chemists to purchase four cans of Guinness. A sweet reward for such a harrowing night. Gracie did a respectable amount of crying before reverting back to being silly and naughty again.

As the meds kicked in she felt upset and soon fell into deep sleep.

Today, Oi has gone to her school to do some final marking while I nurse her Highness. Ben and Holly and Tom and Jerry are on the menu interspersed by moments of frantic chasing and exploring imaginary kingdoms.

Swimming has gone down the toilet now my routine has been interrupted and my diet falling under a pile of toasted sandwiches.

When we emerge from this Grand Tour, things will have hopefully calmed down and I can concentrate on keeping healthy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


 Wonderful movie, full of  compassion. Typically French, with wit and beautiful cinematography.

On other matters I went to my school today (Thida) and joined in the end of term send off for the Year 3 kindergarten kids. There was a special leaving bit for me and everyone, even the cook, cheered me on and joined in for a party and laughter. I made a brief speech and thanked all the Thai teachers for being so kind to me. Thai emotion is a strange thing. It can remain hidden for a very long time, only to have a small window open up for them to show very real kindness. I've been there about 5 years and know all of them. It was quite sorrowful and an hour long photo session ensued in which I was individually photographed with everyone in the school and a percentage of the parents too.

Coming home I spotted and successfully avoided a police check point by doing a U turn.

Days away from the night train to the future.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


That sleep article on the BBC news website is amazing. The comments after, terrifying. Dozens of folk stating they can't sleep. Out here, I never have a problem. I do get up early, but I go to bed early too, and I sleep deeply.

We sleep on the floor side by side, but we are quite far apart. We sleep on duvets with a pillow, a sausage (which is so good to crock you leg over) and a blanket. I often where a T-shirt which prevents my arms itching (a condition I suffer from).

I have a dull lamp which I always put on early and a soft blowing fan aimed only at my feet.

It's a very comfortable environment, and after a quick listen of the radio, I am gone.

It's very still out in the country and the air is good.

Quite worrying to hear all those folks back home talking of severe sleep deprivation. From this new research it has a direct link to immune system and and damage and stress.

After swimming for a couple of months I feel pretty fit. Something that I must maintain. Diet has also been fairly good, though there have been binges that have left me feeling unwell.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Moving On

It's four thirty in the morning and I finally thought, "Let's get back to the blog."

The curtains on my life in Hat Yai are drawing to a close. Early in March we shall board the night train to Chum Pon to go search for a new house. It's exciting stuff and I am looking forward to it. Hat Yai has been a great experience, but it's definitely time to move on.

I am now on holiday and am thinking of projects to pick up again now I have even more free time to play with. My main project this holiday is to start making Tortilla bread. I have sat through a couple of Utube "how to" vids which were excellent. In a few hours time, I shall venture to macro and acquire some ingredients and give it a go.

I have also picked up some Star Wars comics and novels which I put on the Ipad and have started reading. It's rather relaxing to disappear to another galaxy for a while and read about The Imperial Empire and Boba Fett.

I have done a ton of swimming lately and aim to continue. I have lost weight and my eating has been generally pretty healthy. I'm eating a lot of baked potatoes in various guises, mixed in with tuna salad or covered in fried onions and tomatoes. I love it!

Grace is growing up lovely and both Oi and myself marvel at having a child. She's so much fun. I took her swimming yesterday which she loves and we can stop off at the shop to by some snacks for home. All good times.

I'm really looking forward to Chum Pon. I can't wait to start exploring and discover great places to visit. We are always kicking around in Hat Yai wondering what to do. Hat Yai is a trading hub and it shows. It's full of busy people speeding around and making money. Chum Pon appears more rural and slower paced.

Behind me I will sadly leave my old friend Tom, who has been so wonderful. A caring and easy going dreamer who enjoys conversation, good times and music. We hope to hook up on Koh Phang Ngan before the end of the Thai Summer.

World News? Ever stupefying. I wonder how the big blue ball of war keeps turning. Tom and I were just shaking our heads and our latest assessment of the state of Mankind. Sometimes it seems like we are minutes from self annihilation, most folk employed to support the civilisation with no real connectivity on the actual planet that we live on. Like Dustin Hoffman as the mountain man in the movie Little Big Man I shall try to retreat still further from the realm of Man. What was the bit that led him to return to society? When he found the trap where an animal had chewed through it's own foot to escape the trap.

I won't miss the heavy traffic in Hat Yai. These thundering trucks transporting earth scare the shit out of me and the roads are covered with white paint lines outlining the latest road accidents. They really ought to reconsider the driving test in this country. Several times arriving at school I am told that a family has been wiped out in some horrific high speed crash. Being in a giant 4x4 won't save you when you are traveling at 140k/h while talking on the phone with no seat belt on. Someone commented on the forum here how people race home at frightening speeds from work to arrive home to do nothing. It baffles the mind.

That's enough moaning for now...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My new blog after the last one ran out of free memory for pictures.